Boating & Biking Adventures

Category: Spain Page 5 of 29

🚴‍♂️…early morning ride…🚴‍♂️

As we got a bit more time before sailing on, I took the morning ride today into the mountainous area of Gran Canaria. Nice biking ground, not too much traffic and back around 10am just before the sun starts to kick in. The landscape is interesting as you can see on the photos attached to the Komoot recording below.

🚴‍♂️…evening ride with René…🚴‍♂️

Stopover – Pasito Blanco

Jan and his new crew member Tobi are showing the direction to our berth in Marina Pasito Blanco.

Upon arrival at Marina Pasito Blanco, I went straight to the fuel dock to top-up our tank with Diesel. There might be pockets with no wind on the way to Capo Verde and better start with a full tank. While the initial stopover was planned for two nights, the weather forecast intends to test our patience. Perhaps we have to stay a couple of days longer rather than motor sailing the Atlantic. Let’s keep monitoring. We are not in a rush.

Will get some sleep now.

Fair winds…


Lanzarote to Cabo Verde – Day 1 / Logblock 4

I am not at all a fan of these acceleration zones between islands, where the channel through two islands funnels the wind and accelerates its velocity. They are known and do not come as a surprise but I was hoping to get along without. No way! Why should I? At the southern part of Gran Canaria wind and waves picked up for around 2 hours. Wind topped 35kn and waves, I am not sure, a bit chaotic but nothing dramatic. Now we are back at 15kn, all normal.

Towards the end of the acceleration zone. Approaching Marina Pasito Blanco under full moon!

Mindelo has also an acceleration zone between the islands São Vincent and Santo Antão. I think this was our preparation and training ground.

Another 5nm to reach Marina Pasito Blanco for our short stop-over.

Fair winds…

Lanzarote to Cabo Verde – Day 1 / Logblock 3

Lanzarote to Cabo Verde – Day 1 / Logblock 2

It is 1:24am local time and I am creeping along the western side of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) between Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria. The wind is down to 11kn on the stern and with the jib fixed to the spinnaker pole we make around 3kn on average. Slow but no banging. The traffic is manageable and the captains on the commercial boats do reply to VHF calls, not only mine but also others. I believe one of the reasons is, that the TSS is managed by Las Palmas Radio, which ensures good disciplines for all.

Indeed, it was the mixture of tiredness and boredom, so I just opened present #1 from Elke and Ulli and sit now here with a Magic Cube 4 x 4 turning wheels and hammering my head around it. Gorgeous. Tried before without success but never had one. It will also be entertaining for all future passages. Just wondering, what surprises me to expect for the upcoming days.

I can clearly see the lights along the coastline of Gran Canaria with Las Palmas sticking out of the rest. The moon will set at 8:10am in the morning although it has lost a bit of its power already being perpendicular to the boat sitting on top of the mast now behind some glazed white clouds.

I have made a pot of tea.

Fair winds…

Lanzarote to Cabo Verde – Day 1 / Logblog 1

We are running down the western side of Fuerteventura heading for Pasito Blanco on Gran Canaria with an ETA tomorrow before lunch time.

A short stop-over is planned in Pasito Blanco for two very good reasons:
A) Reunite with Petra and Jan from SY Sutje joining the passage down to Cape Verde and perhaps later-on to the Caribbean. They have been in the boatyard to get their lady ready.
B) Meeting Babs and René from SY Momentum of Fal again. Perhaps time allows to have another bike ride together. They are currently in the boaryard at Pasito Blanco.

With the help of Jan, our reservation got confirmed, which is not a given at this time of the year, where peak season is in full swing with many yachts heading over to the Carribean.

Wind is a bit low but normally increasing during the day before taking a breather over night. This is the standard wind pattern I have observed during the time here on the Canary Islands. Exceptions as ususal.

Taking rest to be fresh for the upcoming full moon night, which heavily influenced my departure date.

Fair winds…

🙋‍♂️…off we go…⛵️

At 9am our lines got cut by Elke und Ulli from SY Christina. We had a very good time together here in Calero despite working on the To-Do-List. As usual too short but that is sailor’s life. Thank you!

It is good to be back on the ocean. The weather is perfect for a start, light winds with pleasant swell will allow body and mind to accommodate the change in environment.

Time for a cup of tea.

Running under engine until I have passed Marina Rubicon in the very South of Lanzarote before killing the humming.

Fair winds…

🙏…emergency package…👌

What a splendid idea! I got an emergency package today against boredom at sea for the passage to Mindelo on São Vincente in the Cape Verdes. This passage is expected to take around 9 days. Every day will be delighted by a surprise present, clearly marked, which one to be opened on which consecutive day. Brilliant idea to add a special highlight to each day at sea.

A big “THANK YOU” to Elke and Ulli from SY Christiana for this creative surprise. Really appreciated. Rest asured, I will come back on this in the Logblogs during the upcoming passage. DAY 1 being tomorrow.😅

Fair winds…

…sunset & moonrise…

There is less than 60min between the photos but a 180º shift in direction. Cooking started at sunset and desert got finished around moonrise.
The twilight is short, nights are long. Another Tuna feast! 😋

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