Boating & Biking Adventures

North Sea Crossing – Logblog 3

Sailing on the thrid day was uneventful. Grey sky all over with some showers here and there. Acceptable wind conditions, the engine was only needed to support for about two hours. Overall good progress. Lazy day.

We only had to replace the pressure controller on the gas bottle before trying our Pad Thai Kit purchased in Scotland. Adding some shrimps, leek and carrot made a delicious meal in minimum time.

At dusk timing we reached closer to land between Norway and Denmark and traffic significantly increased. A lot of ships getting through the Skagerrak Strait. From 15min routine to constant watch. We stayed close to the TSS, touched it once for a few miles but had overall less traffic compared along the closer shores of Denmark. However, another wave of traffic lies ahead of us. They seem to come in batches somehow.
We have 85nm to go to reach the tip of Jutland. Winds will vary and might have to use the engine again to arrive before coming evening in lovely Skagen.

Fair winds…


North Sea Crossing – Logblog 2


North Sea Crossing – Logblog 4

1 Comment

  1. Edith & Horst

    Geschafft!!! 👍. Endlich in gewohntem Gewässer angekommen. Aus der Karibik zu den Azoren hat Rainer der „Segelmeister“ Dir zur Seite gestanden und von den Azoren über Irland und Schottland nach Skagen hattest Du einen Co- Skipper und Gezeitenmeister Jan dabei. Da Susanne noch arbeitet, war es sicher eine gute Idee, mit guten Freunden die große Herausforderung zu schaffen!! Wir hoffen ihr hattet auch viel Spaß an Bord.
    Wie schon bekannt, haben wir jeden Tag per Internet Eure Reise verfolgt.

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