Boating & Biking Adventures

Author: Bernd Page 3 of 95

St Ninian’s Island

It was Feeder Bus #7, which finally took us after only 30min bus ride into the small village of Bigton, where today’s hike started. The 500m tombolo is the largest in UK and connects St. Ninian’s Island to main Shetland.

There is a small Community Shop, which invites for coffee & crackers before taking the bus back into town.

A short, intensive and very rewarding walk.

Fair winds…

Shetland‘s Puffins

We saw many different kind of birds today during our walk at the Sumburgh Lighthouse but there is one clear favorite, the Puffin. At one stage we could get very close to this impressive species, a wonderful creature.

Fair winds…


I took the 7min ferry ride over to Bressay today to explore this neighboring island a bit further by bike.

It is evident from the photos, that the overcast sky protected us pretty effective against skin cancer and the perceived temperature turned out to be around plus (!)  6°C, considering wind chill. Nevertheless I enjoyed the windy ride through some remote landscape in a good two-layer cycling dress keeping me warm and playing good Scottish Runrig music via the headphones. 👍

Fair winds…

Cruise Ship Parade

City and land got flooded today from four Cruise Ships, 722m in total length!

We were kept quite well informed throughout the day by their PA System announcing the forecasted storm passing through tonight and the latest info on feasts & functions. 

The sheep on adjacent Bressay Island took it easy.

Fair winds… 


Shetland Biking

It‘s the North Sea Cycling Route EV12, which I touched today under marvelous local weather conditions. Shetland contributes not only 336km to the overall length of 5942km, the cycling route also ends here in the north of the archipelago.

After a long time I had to turn the lever towards left side riding but it was all safe thanks to the little traffic and a very respectful approach of the cars and lorries towards us unprotected bikers.

Great ride through great landscape!

Fair winds…

Land ho – Shetland!

After 180nm we arrived quite exhausted and tired in Lerwick, Shetland‘s main town. The Lady did ride the impressive waves up and down like a feather being caught by some gentle air breeze without getting smashed. Very pleasant sail overall but too short to get the body into full cruising mode.

First thing in the morning will be completion of the formalities.

Fair winds…

Sunset 23:22 @ 60° North

On the downhill sail to Lerwick/Shetland Islands/Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Fedje 🇳🇴 astern…🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Finally the weather forecast has become acceptable for us to start the North Sea passage to Shetland. It changed every six hours the last few days, so let’s hope this is somehow stable. Weather window will close again early next week.

Six weeks Norway. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for Fedje!

With the remote support from Tidemaster Jan, skipper SY Sutje, we analyzed and concluded: Some risks but managable. Not perfect but acceptable.

Fair winds…

Fedje – Biking

After 72 hours the wind has started to calm down and my long awaited bike ride came back onto the top of the list.

Although the total length of the island’s tarmac is in the range of 30km covering each and every house and side track, I opted for a short trip and paid a second visit to the lighthouse at the southwest tip of the island.

Tomorrow is a no wind day!

Fair winds…

Two gales / week

They take it easy! Weekend.
Finally he hit the driveway!

Second gale within a week’s time! This time hitting us from North direction peaking at 38kn @ 3am last night. Wave forecast just 5nm West from Fedje is 4m at 8s period. Crazy!

While Susan heard the shaking in the early morning hours, I enjoyed some good deep sleep thanks to my ear plugs. I am glad, that we are in a well protected spot.

We keep watching for our weather window to come, improve our attitude towards patience and cope with each moment of the days.

Fair winds…

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