Boating & Biking Adventures

Category: B(H)iking Page 2 of 18

Fedje – Community Walk

The Fedje slogan – village on the ocean – seems to be very much justified taking into account, that on today‘s 11km strolling tour through parts of the community, you hardly find a spot, where you will not see water when turning your head around. At least there is no other village coming to my mind matching this characteristic, taking floating villages is Asia aside.

I have fully adapted to the slow pace of the island. My work schedule falls behind, nothing critical.

Fair winds…

Fedje‘s Peak @ 42m

Another hike took me to the highest elevation on Fedje. It is only 42m above sea level but offers a great view across the island. On some of the lakes, the water lilies start to open up adding some more colour to the overall picture. The sun will take a break.

Tomorrow, there will be a gale going through. Gusts up to 45kn are forecasted associated with all day rain. We have numerous lines of defence out and shall be alright.

Fair winds…

Fedjebjørnen, appears higher than it really is.

🚶‍♀️‍➡️…Fedje hiking…🚶‍♂️

I am glad Susan accepted another Komoot invite for a hike on Fedje. Our after work actvity got completed before the Champagner Friday kicked in. All a bit late but what does it matter with a sunset time of 10:55 pm at the moment!

Fair winds & Good Night!

🚴‍♂️…easy biking…🚴‍♂️

We are enjoying this fantastic island, either on foot or by bike. It is small but once you reduce the pace there are many things to discover, which we never appreciated on our previous visits. Weather and temperatures allow, or better invite, for the daily swim in the sea or just relaxing while absorbing the warmth from the sun.

Boat work is progressing slowly in accordance with the natural pace adhering to this land pile in the sea, called Anholt.

SY Magic Cloud with Johannes and his cheerful crew left this morning while we decided to stay on for a few more days.

Fair winds

🚴‍♂️…Moving Dune…🚴‍♂️

The photo above shall illustrate the insignificance of the human being walking across the dune in context to mother nature. Further down the road towards the beach we get reminded of the rubbish Germany left behind after WW2. A thoughtful ride under the sun!

Fair winds…

🚴‍♂️…Dunes Strolling…🚴‍♂️

Today‘s short focus ride took me out into the magnificant dunes South of Skagen. Magnificant not only because of its sheer size but also its kind of composition. Fantastic gravel biking through unspoiled colorful nature. 👌

Fair winds…

More 🚴‍♂️ in Skagen

🚴‍♂️…Biking Skagen…🚴‍♂️

I took an easy ride today to stroll around a bit here in Skagen and it took me towards the Northern tip of Jutland, Skagens Odde, and afterwards to Gammel Skagen.

As the late Scandinavian summer seems to be back in this part of the world, let‘s cross fingers, it will stay on for some more Boating & Biking Adventures before we allow ourselves and the lady for a winter break.

Fair winds…

🚴‍♂️…Beach & Battle…🚴‍♂️

Two places were on my target list today. The splendid beaches of Nairn at the outskirts of Inverness and Fort George, a fortress build to control the Scottish Highlands but has never seen any battle. Nice ride under the sun!

Fair winds…

🚴‍♂️…Loch Tarff…🚴‍♂️

I am glad we decided to stay a day longer in Fort Augustus for me to see Loch Tarpp nearby as inspired by Jan. Amazing Highland scenery although some 2.5km stretch required me to push the bike along. Fantastic 🚴‍♂️!

Fair winds…

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