Boating & Biking Adventures

Category: Grenada

🚴‍♂️…Westerhall & Fish…🚴‍♂️

Despite some rain in the very early morning hours my mind was programmed for another bike ride accepting wet roads and potentially additional  showers on the way. It is warm rain anyway and showers hardly take longer than ten to fifteen minutes besides being very local. Playing likelihoods!

I enjoyed the ride ending with a downhill back into Saint George’s town center and popping by its fish market, which did not impress me at all.

Will need to get the bike cleaned & greased before hitting the road again.

Fair winds…

Morning 🚴‍♂️ – Test Ride Grenada

My first bike ride on Grenada took me to the southern lighthouse of the island located at Prickly Bay, which is a popular anchorage as well.

With highest care and respect on the conditions to be expected, I left at the time of sunrise, 6:30am. It is also the time where roads start to get alive and first traffic kicks in. Apart from the speedy mini-busses, people are getting on the road to reach work or get to school. General noise levels increase accompanied by horns being blown often and regularly to claim right of way. Left side driving/riding had to be refreshed mentally, which happens quickly.

I decided for a short ride to start with and test the scene. Once you accept the conditions and play with it, the fun part starts. Having been in the saddle in more chaotic conditions (e.g. Manila) biking Grenada will continue.

Fair winds…

Grand Anse Beach

We took bus line #1 to get to one of the best beaches on Grenada just 4km from the marina. The bus system seems to be a very efficient and effective system, where you hardly wait longer than 5 minutes to get on a ride. They are clean and tariffs are rather low.

The busses not only stop at dedicated locations but also collect you along the road not to lose any potential business.

Although the beach presents itself with white sands and clean blue water, we got a bit irritated by the fact that apart from first class resorts there are also backstage areas, which need further development or at least some clean up.

We decided to take our splash in the marina’s own swimming pool after returning back in an overcrowded bus ride with the conductor sitting on my lap.

Fair winds…

Staint George’s – sniff tour

We have been into town today, a buzzling city with great charm. We feel, that we have now arrived in the Caribbean and look forward to explore this promising island over the next few days while utilising local busses. 

Fair winds…

Port Louis Marina – Grenada

Yachts over 200t need a pilot.
Small anchorage ⚓️ area within the lagoon.

We checked in at the Port Louis Marina today, located in Saint George’s, the capital of Grenada. Similar to the photos taken, the character of the approach and the lagoon itself is very diverse and charming.

The marina itself is operated by Camper & Nicholsons, a company with its roots in boat building since 1782. It appears to be a resort type of marina including a swimming pool but also hosting some of the bigger racing and boating events within the yachting scene.

We will enjoy this special atmosphere for a week or so.

Fair winds…

…Saint Vincent…

With the last rays of sunlight we reached the northern tip of Saint Vincent on our passage South to Grenada. In the last 12h we did 75nm, which is about half of the total distance. Our ETA at the Port Louis Marina in Saint George shall be tomorrow before noon. 

The wind is a bit fluctuating, and so are the waves, depending on whether we sail between two islands (acceleration zones) or along the islands itself (dead zones). We keep a distance to the land of 5-8nm in order to overcome low wind areas. It worked quite well so far. We are now creeping along with 3.5kn at 10kn of wind to pass Saint Vincent and speed up again.

We also made use of the dead wind zone to prepare a decent dinner. “Cajun chicken traybake” a là Jamie O. from his latest book. We just used the normal pan instead of putting a traybake into the oven. Yummy.

Wind has gone this time. Need to start the engine to get the lady back into motion.

Fair winds..

…Saint Lucia…

Petit Piton

…Susan on watch…

With a CPA of 200m we had to convince the tanker on VHF to pass our stern...

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