We touched upon a fast moving low pressure system on our passage from Azores to Ireland and made it just in time into Crosshaven/Ireland before the music started. It was a wake-up call, which came in time for us to adjust our route slightly to play safe. Yes, we missed The Rock! ☹️

Looking at this one here a bit closer brings two conclusions to me.

1. Conditions in the Azores can be very unpleasant outside the recommended weather window for sailors. Perhaps not a good idea to stay there with the boat over winter.

2. Follow the guidelines (despite climate change) rather playing roulette out on the Atlantic. Anything can happen but the old rules are still better than no rules.

I am glad we are where we are enjoying an excellent late summer season. The weather forecast could not be better at this time of the year. Fresh air under the sun. Damned lucky again.

We will be heading over to Anholt later today for a few days. It has been Susan‘s off-peak season #1 dream destination for so many years now.

Fair winds…