I am on watch now. Midnight to 3am. Well, I started 40min late as Jan allowed me some extra sweet dreams.
There is surprisingly little traffic here in the Irish Sea but plenty of shallow areas, which somehow compensates for it.
One of them has been utilized by the Arklow Bank Wind Farm, the one and only offshore wind park in Ireland. The seven turbines wind park is clearly visible on our radar. A bit surprising to me that there are not more offshore installations as there are plenty of opportunities left for green energy around the island.
The tide has turned in the meantime and is now setting South. 2kn against us. It will peak more than 3kn in about one hour. Some light backwinds are still pushing us overall North but I can’t wait for the tide to turn again in our favor to speed up.
First drizzle has arrived but the gusts associated with the approaching mini-depression will reach us later. More rain and gusts up to 30kn. A few hours and it will all be over again. We try to reach Dublin in time.
It is chilly but not cold. 17 °C under the cockpit tent.
Fair winds…
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