Ireland at its best would describe today‘s ride in short terms. Beara Peninsula and the Healy Pass presented themselves in a perfect manner. This trip can be added to some other top notch rides I have done so far. But besides this incredible scenery it are again and again the people here, which clearly make a difference. Two examples: a farmer passing me in his shabby car stopped and started a chat. Time was not the limiting factor and our pleasant talk went on and on. For sure it included the recommendation for the nearest good Pub in the area.
Later-on a fellow biker was sitting next to the road, so I stopped to check, if any help was needed. He just had a short rest but then we started to discuss bikes, especially titanium bikes. He got already two of those, I just started to look at them a bit more in detail. It dragged the ride on a bit but these encounters are worth every missing mile, if any.
The photo on the right went straight to René, fellow sailor and my biking coach and motivator. He did the pass a few days before but for god knows reason we missed each other out here by 48 hours…🙁. A shame. Nevertheless the advice came back instantly before I started the downhill “to be careful for some of the curves – they are tight!”😅
I will need some good rest now, tomorrow will be Queen stage, good legs needed.
Fair winds…