Boating & Biking Adventures

Category: Portugal Page 5 of 24

🚴‍♂️…Morro Castelo Branco!

I am glad Rainer managed to rent a decent bike and we explored the second part of the Boating & Biking Adventure together. 🚴‍♂️

It took us along the southern coastline of Faial to a national park, famous not only for the beauty of the landscape but also for its unique geological characteristics and flora and fauna. While the park itself was mind blowing the ride as well was another great experience, especially with the two pit-stops we did to refuel body and soul.😂

Now I am hopeful Corinna & Rainer will take proper bikes on their upcoming voyage around the world and add even more quality time through easily exploring places by bike.

Fair winds…

🚴‍♂️…Faial – Biking Island!

Fellow sailor and biker René (skipper SY Momentum of Fal) was absolutely right: Faial is another biking island although I have not made it up to the Caldeira do Faial yet. It remains on the list subject to blue sky with less clouds.

Today’s ride offered a variety of slope, tarmac and scenery paired with beautiful viewpoints along the roads.

Tomorrow I will go biking!

Fair winds…

☝️…group travel..👍

With Rainer having joined our adventures some weeks back it became clear quickly, that individual travel will turn into a group trip. It became obvious in many aspects and did set the right tenor in many aspects.

This was not only limited to drinking beer but also getting a hair cut done! I was long time overdue anyway, so in the spirit of group travel there was no chance for Rainer to escape. 😂

Fair winds…

🙋‍♂️…Downtown Horta…

Following our walk through Horta today, I am positively surprised as it offers not only a nice park but also all basic shops round it. I am tempted to extend my stay to explore further rather than rushing on.

Fair winds…

🚴‍♂️…Faial – Sniff Tour…👌

My first ride on Faial took me to the outskirts of Horta. I was positively impressed and strongly believe that Faial is a biking island. Besides remarkable scenery I got the chance to accompany some local riders. More to follow!

Fair winds…

…3 year anniversary…

It was the 15th May 2020 when this adventure started and I moved onto the boat, first time not having an end date. While we were stuck in the Baltic during the Covid time, our journey really took off June 2021.

We have sailed 12310nm and biked/hiked 6706km in 16 countries apart from the interesting people and cultures we encountered on our way.

I will have a silent celebration later tonight with a big toast to the lady having stood by me so far without exception.

The adventure continuous.

Fair winds…

PS: We joined Anna and Decius at their table, two locals from Faial, and learned a lot about the island and its people but also about nature and challenges. They also recommended us some places we MUST SEE. Very nice.


Besides some minor boat work, socialising is high on the agenda these days. Today SY Coya – an X46 yacht – arrived from Bermuda. We had a lot to exchange with skipper Torsten and his crew members Michael and Wolfram over a couple of pints.

Rainer and myself also said hallo to Susanne, skippering SY Nehaj and well known in the space of solo sailing the world. I had spoken to Susanne couple of days back on 14313kHz while still on passage. Very exiting to listen to her stories. Perhaps we get another chance.

The spirit in this marina is very special with all sailors just having completed a longer passage and very different to Mindelo/Cabo Verde, where all sailors were about to start a longer passage. While people in Mindelo were busy and more tensed, here in Horta the atmosphere is driven by party and relaxation as the voyage has been complete and general relief is governing the interactions.

Fair winds…

☝️…Peter Café Sport…👌

There was no doubt we will end up at Peter Café Sport on the first night after our arrival. It was not crowded early in the season, just many encounters with fellow sailors to share our stories, here and there spiced with some yarn.  We had a wonderful evening with the crew of SY Lothlorien and will for sure end up in this historical pub more often.

After a final sip of BB-Rum from Dominica onboard, we appraised our lady for not letting us off at any point in time. Nothing broken, nothing to be fixed, no dramas. 🙏 you Hullu Poro!

Fair winds…

The #1 pub under sailors, globally.

Horta / Faial / Azores

We have taken berth now in Marina Horta next to SY North Star, who we know from Bermuda.

Bermuda to Azores – Logblog 15

Land, ho! Land, ho! Land, ho!

30nm to go and Mt. Pico has just stuck his mountaintop (2351m) through a thick base layer of clouds hanging over the horizon with the rising sun coming up slowly making it a warm welcome through its pastell yellow colour. The air is fresh but not cold.

The Portuguese Flag is up under the starbord first spreader bar.

What a magnificant arrival back at the Azores Archipelago!

Fair winds…

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