I woke up in the very early morning hours at around 4am driven by some unususal jolting in the mooring lines. My first glance out of the window showed the top of the bollard missing, which I normaly see on our pontoon. My first thought was, wow, high water!
I went outside to check the fenders‘ position and discovered, that they are all hanging to high, well above the fl0or level of the pontoon not providing any damping between the boat and the pier anymore. The hull was cosy lying directly in contact with the the pier. The water level was only 30-40cm below the surface of the pontoon. Not much. No damage.
I took it as a reminder and pre-warning, at the right time. Although there is not much of tide here, the changes in water level driven by wind forces cannot be ignored.
As per the chart above, the next high water level is predicted for Sunday midnight, even higher than last night. The additional 30-40cm might flood the pontoon slighly but will definetly make the use of fenders impossible to protect the booat towards the pier.
Conclusio: I will have to leave this place before Sunday midnight not to get into trouble.
Glad I got the hint last night!
Fair winds…
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