After a very pleasant flight with Sri Lankan Airlines, we have arrived back in Asia. My mental arrival took a while but after a short walk, I can clearly feel, that Bike & Brain are grounded by now.
Strolling around, I was picked up by one of the dubious tourist guides, who insisted to show me around. Still a bit tired from the jet lag, I followed the flow knowing it will be a hard negotiation at the end… Nevertheless I got blessed by a monk and my travel in Sri Lanka shall now be sweet & safe.
On our 90 minutes plus tour the highlight was without any doubt the Gangaramaya Tempel. It is not only the oldest temple in Colombo but also one of the most important. Donations from all over the world merges temple with museum and more. It also exhibits the smallest Buddah in Sri Lanka (perhaps in the world?), 2mm in height, pure gold, viewed through a magnifying glass. Wow!
The slogan of the temple is a nice analogy towards the sailing part of this logbook:
“A temple is a beacon, a lighthouse for the storm-tossed.”
I am ready for my Sri Lanka Adventure although planning is lacking big time… Perhaps I shall keep going with the flow.
Fair winds…
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