Boating & Biking Adventures

Category: Norway Page 3 of 5


Entrance into the Aurlandsfjord.
Aurlandsvangen ahead, almost there.

The passage into the Aurlandsfjord was narrow with steep cliffs left and right. It is one of the arms diverting from the world’s second longest fjord, the Sognefjord (203 km).

We moored around midnight at the floating jetty in Aurlandsvangen.

Fair winds…

Vik – 18 hours only…

It was a short but pleasant stay in Vik despite very minor swell, which might not be unusual within these Fjords in general. We will find out going forward.

Biting the bullet again we left Vik for another 30nm under engine to get even deeper into the Fjord landscape.

Fair winds…

Hike around Vik

Our hike today took us around the small village of Vik, passing three churches and enjoying a magnificent view over the city and the bay.

Spring is now in full swing.

Fair winds…

Vik – Fjord Impressions

It was a long day with plenty of light shows in a different world until we arrived in Vik for the night.

The photo to the right was taken 11pm before we called it a day.

Fair winds & Good Night…

☝️…Sognefjord ahead…

Finally we decided this morning to postpone our passage West for three good reasons: wind, weather & the Sognefjord at our doorstep.

Fedje is a place to return but we are on the way into the Fjordland of Norway. Conditions are too good to miss it.

Fair winds…

We moored next to the all electric car ferry MF Fedjebjørn. Zero emission, 100% sunshine.

Strusshamn => Fedje

Strusshamn Gjesthamn - a perfect “symbiosis“ of natural harbour and marina!
Landscape view to the East.
Fjord sailing at its best today.
Fedje Island, the most western community in Norway and perhaps another gem?!?


The exceptional good weather remains kind to us for another week at least, which helps me growing my confidence in 🛶 Lille Poro. Today’s trip took us further out onto the Byfjorden but staying close to the shoreline.

Fair winds…


🛶…Lille Poro…🛶

The maiden voyage with 🛶 Lille Poro took me this morning around some small islands just outside of the Strusshamn Marina – called Småskjera.

🛶 Lille Poro is our new hybrid kayak, a Scubi 1 XL from the manufacturer Nortik. The weather allowed me newbie to leave the duck pond marina as the waters were all flat except passing vessels creating some swell. My first impression is very positive and I believe the kayak will add some good quality time to our ongoing journey.

The red nose might be seen in some more future photos…

Fair winds…

SY Aegir & Fjelltour

Yesterday, SY Aegir arrived and we have now rafted up alongside as planned. We have met Christine & Gregor last year on Anholt while they were heading back South from their maiden trip to Svalbad! Very nice to catch up and meet their crew Traudi & Theresa as well.

A short 🚴‍♂️ ride took me through some more beautiful nature nearby.

Fair winds…

©️ Gregor / Skipper SY Aegir

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